Thursday, February 5, 2009


So for class we had to do a Derive, its when you basically wonder around a city based off your perceptual senses; it can be geared towards sights, noises, smells, feeling, anything that has an interest to you. Well Ive realized that what I do basically, I just walk around without aimlessly without any agenda, and thats probably how I end up getting lost. I can be distracted so easily by something that fascinating to look at. Just the other day Joe and myself were trying to get to studio from Plaza Catalunya, there are two way both relatively easy to navigate. We decided to take the way via the Rambla, now the Rambla is a main corridor for Barcelona and there are about a thousand side streets, and studio was off one of these sides streets. We thought we knew where we were but we didnt. We ended up walking like a mile further then we needed to walk, it turns out the street we needed to take was the first on the right but when your walking down the Rambla with entertainers and kioskis on both sides it can get a little distracting plus we didnt really know which one it was, we thought we would recognize it but apparently we had no clue where it was. We finally knew we were in the right area so we took a turn and we ended up in this plaza that we had no idea where it was, but there was a map near it, we thought we were saved but Plaza Universitat, where studio is, wasnt even on the map that how far we wondered. The worst part about it was that studio started in 10 minutes and we had a paper or something due at the beginning, we got a little worried when we couldnt studio from the map. But in the end we got to studio, and it turns out that we went back to that plaza the next day to eat and was happy that I was able to say I know where we are, which is a first cause I never do. I guess getting lost is the only way to know the city.

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