Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Southern Spain

Yeah I know its been a while since my last blog but what can you do its getting alot harder to get lost in Barcelona and the citys we visit. Anyways you would think that with going to southern Spain, I would get lost in a heart beat but I didnt. I shocked myself, I thought for sure I was going to get lost within the first hour but I didnt.

Our southern Spain trip included Madrid, Sevilla, Cordoba, Granda, Merida. All the cities were beatiful in themselves but I liked some more then others. I really like Sevilla, Cordoba and Granda and I was nt so interested in Madrid and Merida.

Madrid was too large for my liking, it was similar to Barcelona except that Madrid had the caios of New York which is very overwhelming at times. Every place I went to in Madrid was filled with people. Another reason why I think I didnt enjoy Madrid as much was the fact that my ATM card got blocked by my stupid bank for no reason. However I did have some fun in Madrid the night life there is pretty incredible. Theres a club that 7 stories tall, which is awesome and every floor has a different theme and during the summer they open the retractable roof to the stars. The only downside about this club is theres a high cover and to get a drink you have to play at one booth and then take it to bar and if you try to pay in cash they wont take it, only reason I know this is because I tried it myself and its sucks to get rejected.

Merida was cool in itself, there was alot to see in the city but thats exactly what we did, we tried to crame alot of sight seeing into one day and Im all about seeing all the sights but coming to an end of our trip I just didnt have any energy to see all the sights.

But Im going to write on another page cause I think this one is getting too long....

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