Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Southern Spain 2

Alright now here come the interesting stuff, Sevilla, Cordoba, and Granda were my favorite cities that we visited. Cordoba was specially enjoyable because we came there after Madrid and in Cordoba there is an Arabic Bath, which is amazing and you should try to do one if you never have done one. In these baths there are three pools of water: one hot, one warm and one ice cold, literally. Your suppose to go through these pools with some order but I always thought that experiencing things is the best way to understand them, so I just went through them without any order. This bath was truely amazing, im not a guy who likes baths but this was amazing it truely calms, and relaxes oneself.

Sevilla was my home away from home, it had the home town feeling of the states, it was perfect. I dont know if it was the extremely warm weather, beautiful spanish and american girls there, the architecture or our crazy bartender amigo but I like the think it was a combination of all four.

So let me tell you about this Bartender, I really cant remember his name but he was the man, the bar was directly across the street from our hotel so naturally we were drawn to this bar, and one thing that was really cool about southern Spain in General was that you always got free tapas with your drinks so you could kill two birds with one stone. Anyways even though we really could comunicate with this guy well, he always had us laughing and he loved Christie just ask her about it. If you ever go there you have to get the lion steak its probably the best thing on earth.

Granda was also beautiful it had a much more rustic and old town feeling, and the view were incredible. After climbing the enourmous thousand mile hill you had some amazing scenic view of the moutains and sunset. Joe and myself enjoyed this city the most probably, we adapted this notion to go to a bar everyday after sketching, in attempt to finish parts of our sketchbook. This was a great idea untill you got like 5 beers deep and the drawings got a little more difficult to finish but they turned out fine.

All in all southern Spain was an amazing and truely reward trip, Ive experienced some truely amazing things, things that I wouldnt be able to experience else where. Things you need to experience for yourself. Some of the best things about southern Spain was the free tapas, the women and of course the amazing weather in the Feburary when its snowing back in DC and freezing in Barcelona.

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